New Global Partnership with W.K. Kellogg Foundation
GOYN is delighted to announce the launch of an inspiring new phase of partnership with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. This two-year, $1.3 million grant will support several innovative efforts to reduce systemic barriers to livelihoods and equip Opportunity Youth (OY) to tackle structural inequities in their communities. This investment will allow GOYN to co-design and execute a plan to engage young people and institutional leaders from Haiti in the GOYN network’s first Learning Partnership – an exciting approach to expanding the reach of the GOYN model.
In addition, the partnership will enable GOYN to implement the next phase of the Youth Futures Development Bank, a new, sustainable source of capital market financing for OY job creation and skilling; as well as finalize the design and launch of the Equity Leadership Program, a youth-led, skill-building initiative mobilizing OY to advocate for equitable practices. This grant builds on prior Kellogg Foundation investments in GOYN’s early design phases of the Youth Futures Development Bank and is playing an instrumental role in bringing this inventive concept to fruition. This award also supports GOYN’s US-based counterpart, the Opportunity Youth Forum (OYF), in strengthening and expanding work in communities in New Orleans and New Mexico and further integrating belonging, meaning, well-being, and purpose into OYF collaboratives.