
The Global Opportunity Youth Network is a multi-stakeholder initiative, co-led by Global Partners and anchored by local Community Partners who share a vision and commitment to creating place-based systems shifts for youth economic opportunity. Learn more about our partners in the sections below.

The Global Opportunity Youth Network is hosted at The Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions and is co-led by partners Prudential Financial Inc., Global Development Incubator, YouthBuild International, Accenture, and Catholic Relief Services. The organizations bring complementary strengths and expertise to the challenge of global youth unemployment and, collectively, share a deep commitment to supporting pathways for youth opportunity. In addition to these core partners, we are thrilled to recognize our partners that continue to support our mission and commitment to Opportunity Youth – the Vitol Foundation, the Western Union Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, and Fondation Botnar.

Furthermore, all GOYN communities are anchored by a local community partners who lead cross-sector collaboration, opportunity youth engagement, collection of data and research, and development of contextualized strategies and pathways for scaled youth economic opportunity impact in their community.

In addition to being informed by the experience of these partners, our approach draws on insights gathered from dozens of expert interviews and thought partners whose collective input was captured in our flagship report: A Global Opportunity: Get Youth Working (2018)

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