GOYN Bogotá: 2024 Annual Report
Informe Jóvenes con Potencial 2024: trends and barriers in trajectories towards opportunities of the young population in Bogotá, Colombia
For the past five years, GOYN Bogotá has been presenting the main data related to youth in the city, with an emphasis on the barriers and realities faced by “Opportunity Youth” in education, employment and entrepreneurship. This year, on the fifth anniversary of GOYN’s implementation in the city, we present the report “Opportunity Youth 2024: trends and barriers in the trajectories towards opportunities of the young population in Bogotá”. In this version we present the main trends of the last five years in terms of barriers and opportunities for access, culmination and transition to education or employment. We also include new topics that should be taken into account in the youth agenda for the coming years, and that are a priority for this population, such as entrepreneurship and income generation; health, understood from the perspective of mental health and sexual and reproductive health; and an analysis that is developed for the first time in the city on public investment in youth.
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