Mombasa County Youth Covid-19 Survey
This report details the results of a youth survey conducted by GOYN in six Mombasa sub-counties exploring youth perceptions of the impact of COVID-19.
Mombasa county has witnessed an alarming increase in youth unemployment and economic vulnerability since the onset of COVID-19. Even before the pandemic, Mombasa had experienced
youth unemployment rates at close to 44%. A steep slow-down in economic activity produced by stringent lockdown measures and restricted access to education and training, mean that youth
in Mombasa now face an even greater challenge navigating a path to employable skills, income and employment.
In July 2020, popular local job website Brighter Monday registered a staggering 58% drop in local job listings (Muiruri, 2020). At the time of writing this report county public schools have been closed for six consecutive months and it remains unclear when students will be able to return to the classroom.
This report details the results of a youth survey conducted by GOYN in six Mombasa sub-counties exploring youth perceptions of the impact of COVID-19. Survey results indicate that youth in Mombasa are anxious about the impact COVID-19 may have on their employment prospects but remain hopeful the government and their communities can devize solutions to effectively respond to the challenge. The survey also highlights a striking gap in digital access for young people, a circumstance that if left unaddressed, will deepen the socioeconomic divide between those who can afford regular internet access and connected devices and those who cannot.