Unlocking the Creative Economy for Youth Employment
A skills needs anticipation study of the creative sector in Mombasa, Kenya.

Youth employment is undoubtedly one of the most discussed and important issues for governments, educators, private sector, and development actors around the world. All too often however, the jobs that are available and recommended for young people are not leveraging their talents nor their aspirations and interests. The key drivers of economic opportunity today and the foreseeable future are often in backbreaking, risky, and repetitive labour including agriculture, construction, manufacturing, and mining. This report, the result of a partnership between Global Development Incubator and the Global Apprenticeship Network, flips this narrative and starts with the aspirations and talents of the youth.
This report is structured to accomplish four key objectives:
– Define the creative sector
– Summarize youth interests in the creative field
– Estimate creative job opportunities today and in the future in Mombasa
– Outline recommended pathways for realizing these job opportunities