Eliana González
Bogotá, Colombia
Eliana González is a 28-year-old mother and the founder of Mamacitas en Bicis. The group is the first Collective and Foundation of cycling moms in Latin America. They create spaces and programs to promote the eradication of gender-based violence.
They also promote independence for women who are mothers through the use of bicycles, sustainable mobility, sports, entrepreneurship and culture.
As young mothers, they have experienced exclusion from job opportunities and la limited access to education for assuming caregiving roles. Young mothers in Bogota experience three major barriers. The first is generational poverty, but with an aggravating factor as a result of being young mothers. They tend to be excluded from education and employment opportunities more than their male peers or other young women who are not mothers. Because most teenage mothers find themselves forced to abandon their studies after becoming mothers, employment opportunities are often scarce.
With support from the GOYN Youth Innovations Fund, and led by Eliana and her peers – Carolina Gonzales, Geraldine Monroy, Sidney Ortega, Jeisy Flores, Andrea Candela, and Jesica Jimenez – Mamacitas en Bicis will launch ‘Families that count’, an event that promotes sustainable mobility with a gender-inclusive approach. The event will launch tours through different “stations” that represent the multiple stops in the trips that mothers and caregivers make (the market, school, work, etc.), when moving around the city by bike with children. The event is designed to sensitize attendees about the mobility and safety needs of young mothers and promote sustainable transportation and safe spaces for young mothers.